Seven Something is a love story and was shot by three different directors. As such, the film is divided into three parts; the first is named "14," featuring problems of two teenagers and social networks. The second part is named "21/28" and is about two former actor and actress lovers who work together again after being apart for seven years. The third part is called "42.195" and is about a woman who meets a young man who encourages her to complete a marathon
Seven Something 2012 IMDb Directed by Jira Maligool Paween Purikitpanya Adisorn Trisirikasem With Panisara Arayaskul Suquan Bulakool Sirin Horwang Jirayu Laongmanee Seven Something is a special love movie made to celebrate the glorious film company GTHs 7th anniversary Starring Thailands top stars and Nichkhun the Asian idol from 2PM the movie tells various love stories from three generations at different Seven Something 2012 Full Movie Eng Sub Amara Seven Something 2012 Thailand Movie Country Thailand Language Thai Film Genre Drama Directors Paween Purikitpanya Adisorn Trisirikasem Jira Maligool Cast Jirayu Laongmanee Sunny Suwanmethanon Sirin Horwang Nichkhun Horvejkul Panissara Phimpru Click caption for the english subtitles more less Video Language English Duration 022619 caebrada commented on Seven Something Indonesian Seven Something 2012 Full Movie Eng Sub Amara Seven Something 2012 Thailand Movie Country Thailand Language Thai Film Genre Drama Directors Paween Purikitpanya Adisorn Trisirikasem Jira Maligool Cast Jirayu Laongmanee Sunny Suwanmethanon Sirin Horwang Nichkhun Horvejkul Panissara Phimpru Click caption for the english subtitles Get Embed Code x Embed video Use the following code to embed this video See our usage guide for
Seven Something 2012 Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released 2012 Seven Something stars SuquanBulakool Nichkhun SirinHorwang JirayuLaongmanee The movie has a runtime of about 2 hr 27 min and received a score of out of 100 on Metacritic Nonton Movie Seven Something 2012 CafeCinema Nonton Movie Seven Something 2012 Film Seven Something 2012 merupakan salah satu film bergenre Comedy Drama Romance yang di sutradarai oleh sutradara kondang papan atas Adisorn Tresirikasem จิระ มะลิกุล ปวีณ ภูริจิตปัญญา dan tidak ketinggalan juga film ini dijamin bertabur Deretan bintang film papan atas akan memukau Anda saat Seven Something 2012 Thailand Movies Loverz Seven Something dibuat dalam rangka memperingati ulang tahun ke tujuh GTH Seven Something menggunakan format film omnibus yang terdiri dari tiga cerita cinta lintas usia yang berbeda dan juga digawangi tiga sutradara yang berbeda yaitu 14 2128 dan 42195 Seven Something Wikipedia Seven Something Thai รัก 7 ปี ดี 7 หน RTGS Rak Chet Pi Di Chet Hon lit love 7 years good 7 times is a 2012 Thai Drama Romance Anthology film which separated to three parts directed by Jira Maligool Adisorn Trisirikasem and Paween Purikitpanya The film commemorates the seven year establishment of GTH The movie tells various love stories from three generations at
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